Climate change: Does it worry you?


During this study, teens in the US were asked to share their views on climate change. Their free responses were analyzed using AIKKA to determine sentiments, emotions, and main topics. Their opinions are represented as anonymized insights in this case study.

The Challenge

Asking what people really think and getting them to tell the truth is hard when you force them to use likert scales, ranking, and pre-determined answers. We wanted to know what teens really felt about climate change, but also needed to get the answers in a scalable way, without spending hours in 1:1 interviews and a large budget.

Our Solution

Big idea questions require blank canvases to answer. By taking the rails off traditional quantitative surveys and questionnaires or pre-determined qualitative questions, AIKKA empowers users to speak freely. We use ethical AI processing to analyze at scale what groups think and feel, and then summarize it into actionable strategy for organizational leaders.

Users can speak directly into a web-based application on their smartphones to answer a set of questions in any way they’d like. When they complete the survey, they are compensated for their time and feedback. Then, on the backend, AIKKA analyzes for emotions, sentiment, and topics. The data is displayed back to the organization for easy to digest and actional insights.


Driven to Act

Overwhelmingly, teens expressed negative emotions on climate change. But we also found that they are highly motivated to change their behavior to help protect the environment. Over 47% of teens cited ideas around Reduce, Reuse, and Recycling activities they do regularly. For policymakers and organizational leaders, this insight can help to catalyze further action on how to create an impact on climate change and involve the next generation in those efforts.

Join Our Beta Program.

Now seeking stakeholder focused organizations.

Our ideal beta program participants are:

  • Mission-driven companies or organizations

  • Committed to gathering stakeholder feedback

  • Excited about streamlining impact systems with ethical AI

Our beta program benefits include:

  • Unparalleled stakeholder insight

  • Constituent sentiment summaries

  • Key themes and analysis

  • Discounted rates

AIKKA is scheduled for wider release in early 2024. Follow us on LinkedIn for the latest news on Calidris and AIKKA.